" Are You an Indigo? Discovering Your Authentic Self " The Book by D Michael Waller

" Sometimes in Life, your greatest gifts often come disguised as your worst nightmares " Have you ever felt that you are not living the life you are meant to have? Is Life becoming more difficult and challenging lately? Are your emotions running on high and the intensity of life increasing? Do you have bouts of loneliness even when you are with family? Have you ever felt at times that you don't know the people closest to you anymore, maybe even your significant other? Do you experience times where you feel lost and have a burning desire to find your way back home, but don't know where that home is? Have you ever felt that there is more waiting for you, that there is an incredible life out there? Have you felt that longing that there is one true love, your soul mate out there, waiting for you? There are many symptoms that you may be having like these. You could be an Indigo and not even know it. If you are, You Need to Know! Once you discover what you are, you are on the path of self discovery to one of the Greatest Gifts that one could have. That is the Gift of being an Indigo. Discover if you an Indigo and begin to tap into your inner power and strength. Start living the Life that is meant to be. The Life that is your Destiny! "Take control of your destiny. Experience the peace of knowing the right path to travel. Discover your purpose in life. Overcome obstacles and master your emotions. Have more sucess and joy in your life. Get started on your journey today in discovering your Authentic Self and start living the life you deserve!" Get a your copy today of " Are You an Indigo? Your Guide to discovering your Authentic Self " 190 pages of information including The 7 keys Indigos Must Know, The Traits of an Indigo, The Anatomy of an Indigo, Indigos and Realationships, The Quiz,The Metaphysics of Quantum Physics for Indigos, The Seven Steps to the Summit, The Power Within. Send your request and payment of $19.95 through the PAYPAL Link on this page along with your address and you will receive an Autograph copy of this must have book to determine once and for all if you are an Indigo. Or go to our website, http://www.areyouanindigo.com, to order or to see a sample of the E-book. Find out what you need to know and how to deal with it! This is a blessing, welcome it and embrace it. Get the answers you are looking for! Get your copy today for only $19.95 postpaid and receive the E-Book FREE!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

It is Time to Become Positive!

This is the time to be positive and avoid negative thinking at all costs. Negative thoughts will ruin your life. Instead, fill your mind with positive thoughts. Today and everyday think of all the great things that are taking place in your life. I want you to fill your mind with positive thoughts so that you enjoy your life. So that you get more of what you want and less of what you don't want. So that you experience joy, happiness and success in every area of your life. If you're with family or loved one then appreciate the positive things about them. Don't focus on the negative. If you're on your own then think of all the positive things that happen to you and the wonderful people who enter your life everyday. Each day there are numerous positive events and things that happen in your, but you often overlook them, or take them for granted. When you take a moment to appreciate the positive things and begin to fill your mind with positive thoughts you begin to attract positive events, people and situations into your life. But when you have negative thoughts, you create negative events and you attract more negative situations into your life... not something you really want to do. Negative thoughts and negative thinking lead to a negative life. When negative thoughts enter your mind they can quickly spread like wildfire and before you know it they fill your mind, and kick out all the positive thoughts. Negative thoughts are like a cancer of the mind. If not caught early and removed they can and will destroy your life. Many times the negative cycle begins with just a single, meaningless negative thought. That negative thought leads to another negative thought, then another and before you know... the wildfire has begun and getting rid of those negative thoughts might seem impossible. But you can eliminate the negative thinking when you take control of your mind and direct your subconscious mind to attract what you want in life. You can begin by filling your mind with positive thoughts. This will begin to move the mind in a new direction. At first you might find it difficult to think positive thoughts. You may even say: "I can't think of anything positive in my life." You only feel this way because you're so used to having negative thoughts. But as you push your mind to be more positive the process will get easier. Next, eliminate the negative thoughts. Track your thoughts and anytime you catch yourself having a negative thought, remove it or eliminate it. Then replace it with a positive thoughts. Now you begin to move your mind in a new direction. Next, start directing your subconscious mind to create what you want by regularly thinking of what you want. Feed your mind and subconscious mind positive information and you'll attract positive situations into your life.

Give your mind and subconscious mind the directions to help you succeed. Your thoughts and beliefs are the fuels that drive your subconscious. Feed your subconscious negative thoughts and negative beliefs and you'll stall your engine. That means you won't be able to achieve your goals. Feed your subconscious positive thoughts and positive beliefs - and you turbocharge yourself to success. Start changing your thoughts today. Begin directing your mind and subconscious mind to help you live the life you want and achieve your goals. Your subconscious mind responds to your thoughts and beliefs. Your attitude is an extension of those thoughts and beliefs. Begin feeding your mind and subconscious mind positive messages and you begin creating a positive lifestyle.

Thank you, Karim Hajee, Creating Power

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