" Are You an Indigo? Discovering Your Authentic Self " The Book by D Michael Waller
" Sometimes in Life, your greatest gifts often come disguised as your worst nightmares "
Have you ever felt that you are not living the life you are meant to have? Is Life becoming more difficult and challenging lately? Are your emotions running on high and the intensity of life increasing? Do you have bouts of loneliness even when you are with family? Have you ever felt at times that you don't know the people closest to you anymore, maybe even your significant other? Do you experience times where you feel lost and have a burning desire to find your way back home, but don't know where that home is? Have you ever felt that there is more waiting for you, that there is an incredible life out there? Have you felt that longing that there is one true love, your soul mate out there, waiting for you?
There are many symptoms that you may be having like these. You could be an Indigo and not even know it. If you are, You Need to Know! Once you discover what you are, you are on the path of self discovery to one of the Greatest Gifts that one could have. That is the Gift of being an Indigo. Discover if you an Indigo and begin to tap into your inner power and strength. Start living the Life that is meant to be. The Life that is your Destiny!
"Take control of your destiny. Experience the peace of knowing the right path to travel. Discover your purpose in life. Overcome obstacles and master your emotions. Have more sucess and joy in your life. Get started on your journey today in discovering your Authentic Self and start living the life you deserve!"
Get a your copy today of " Are You an Indigo? Your Guide to discovering your Authentic Self " 190 pages of information including The 7 keys Indigos Must Know, The Traits of an Indigo, The Anatomy of an Indigo, Indigos and Realationships, The Quiz,The Metaphysics of Quantum Physics for Indigos, The Seven Steps to the Summit, The Power Within. Send your request and payment of $19.95 through the PAYPAL Link on this page along with your address and you will receive an Autograph copy of this must have book to determine once and for all if you are an Indigo. Or go to our website, http://www.areyouanindigo.com, to order or to see a sample of the E-book.
Find out what you need to know and how to deal with it! This is a blessing, welcome it and embrace it. Get the answers you are looking for! Get your copy today for only $19.95 postpaid and receive the E-Book FREE!
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non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam
Dennis Michael Waller is a Philosopher, Writer, Speaker, and Preceptor of Comparative Religion and Quantum Physics. He is known for his work in the field of Indigo's and as an interpreter of Eastern Philosophies and Western Religions in relation to Modern Science. His teachings are designed to invoke an introspective view of ones being and how to bring about a higher sense of consciousness and awareness.
" Are You an Indigo? Discover Your Authentic Self " by D Michael Waller
" The Esoteric Art of Living " by D Michael Waller
" 5 Keys to Change Your Life Now " by D Michael Waller
Order your copy today!
The Power Within
You all have the power within to create any life you so desire. The only reason you are not living the life you desire or think that you deserve is because you don't believe that you have the power and belief that you control your life. This is not a secret, it is in plain view. Only your inability to believe this prevents you from this knowing. Open your eyes and see that you have the ability to create whatever life you desire. I don't care what your circumstances are, what your situation is, what kind of job you have, where you live, it doesn't matter. You are not your circumstances. You can decide today that you are not any of this. This isn't you. All of this is the results of the decisions and actions based on your previous belief system.
D Michael Waller
Today you can be armed with the tools to create the belief system that is your birthright. As Jesus said I am in you, you are in me, and I am in the father, whatever I can do you can do greater. This is the most empowering verse in the Bible. Just this one verse demonstrates that we are all God like. How can we not be Godlike if Jesus himself is telling us that he is within you and you within him? This is a knowing that must become the core of your belief. You must have faith that these words are true. Jesus said with faith the size of the mustard seed you could move mountains. He is telling you that you have the same powers as he. What is stopping you is the veil of illusion that creates the separation. The sense of separation comes from your belief that you are a human being in need of becoming a spiritual being through salvation. The reality is you are a spiritual being having a human experience. Once you rediscover that we are all part of God and believe this then you will be on the path to living the life of your desires. The salvation is in realizing that we are already part of Jesus, part of God and therefore part of the Source and Eternal Life.
All of us, since we were born have been preconditioned to believe that we are all separate individuals. We have also been taught to believe that God is out there somewhere and it is up to us to fine a path back to him. That is where organized religion comes in, providing an avenue, a path to God through the church. This is a falsehood; Jesus himself said that the kingdom of heaven is within. All of our lives we have been led to believe that we are merely human and at the mercy of God and the church. The reality is we all are godlike and have the power within to create whatever our desire is. While I am not saying that the church does not serve a useful purpose, I am saying that you are not separated from God. Drill this point home please. This must become the basis, the core of your belief system that nothing, I mean nothing can prevent or stop you from attaining the life you are meant to have.
When talking about creating the life of your dreams, consider that this life should be based on the principals of God. It’s really simple, just live life with Love, Joy, and Peace. To give what it is that you wish to receive. To ask how to serve rather then ask what’s in it for you. To practice living with Passion, Understanding, Compassion. To live with Tolerance, Patience, and Acceptance. To live a life that in the end, you can stand with pride and say that did your best.
We shall never surrender.
fighting for truth justice and the american way
Time to get a grip people
- We're all here cause we see things aren't right with the world. - We're all here because we can see our freedoms being stripped. - We're all here, because we know these fraudulent policies are expediting our road to true bankruptcy. - We're all here, because we want to be free - We're all here, with what seems like a common goal, yet we continually to let ourselves be brainwashed and divided by the use of clever marketing and flashy banners. If we FAIL to get a grip on reality people, we will look back on this time in the near future and have ONLY OURSELVES to blame for the major catastrophe that we are enduring. We will only be able to look at ourselves, and see the way we were divided and subsequently conquered, was the reason they were allowed to commit this rape, pillage and execution of the United States of America. It's time to put aside the petty differences, and come together on the root goals which I can safely say, we all desire. A return to constitutional governance, the removal of a corrupt government, a stop to the hijacking of America by Corporate entities which have allowed our dissent into fascism. A stop to illegal domestic spying and outright unconstitutional stripping of the rights of every man, woman and child, in the name of a manufactured enemy originally designed to frighten us into willingly giving these rights up, expanding the police state, and buffing wealth of fascists. Ignorance, and frivolity are what this monster feeds on. Stop now, if we are not already too late, please, just STOP NOW!
The Spirit of 1776 Lives On
"The time has come to turn to God and reassert our trust in Him for the healing of America... Our country is in need of and ready for a spiritual renewal." -Ronald Reagan
While I am not a " Genius Physicist " my mission here with The D Michael Waller Report is two fold. To inform and enlighten you to the world that you wont see in the main stream media. To show you the stories which were glossed over by the media. To bring you news items that seemly don't appear to be connected to anything. Once you take a step back, you can begin to see the big picture and how the dots connect. To bring you snippets of history to show that we are merely repeating what has already happen.
I am not here to change your mind, to change your views or make you believe one way or another. It is to give you facts and information and let you decide what to do with it. Regardless of what you do with it, I respect your decision and taking the time to look.
The second objective is to provide you with the tools and strategy's needed to navigate through the world as it changes. I welcome your thoughts and views. I look forward to engaging you with this forum and lets have some fun, D. Michael Waller
I continue to be at a loss to explain how it is that so many tens of millions of Americans simply do not see the utter destruction of their former republic by socialists, one worlders, deviates, liars and thieves. This nation is racing at interceptor speed toward a day of reckoning that has never been dreamed of. The lack of common sense, unusual brutality, and unintended consequences of the days of fall and winter will turn our overweight, undereducated, unchurched, and unprepared society into a wasteland of the abused and uncared for leftovers. I do not know entirely where America is in these perilous times in regard to the Holy Scriptures, but I will tell you this. We have welcomed the evil that has gripped this land and deserve whatever is retribution from God. I do cling to the hope that we will make some difference to others, if we will just not give in to the sweet assurances offered by the deceiver in charge of the nation and his winged monkeys on Capital Hill. “Look up, for your redemption draweth nigh,” is sufficient for the Believer. For the smug, anti-Christian militants, gay rights activists, brutality minded judges and others. Look straight ahead, for your moment of accountability before fed-up Americans is closer than you care to think. By Greg Evensen
Interesting Points to Ponder
" Research at the subatomic quantum level reveals an invisible connection between all particles and all members of a given species. This oneness is being demonstrated in remarkable scientific discoveries. The findings show that physical distance, what we think of as empty space, does no preclude a connection by invisible forces. Obviously there exist invisible connections between our thoughts and our actions. We do not deny this, even though the connection is impervious to our senses. The non-spiritual being cannot make such a leap, but the spiritual being knows that this invisible force connects him to all others, and therefore treats all others as if they were a part of himself. It is all a question of knowing. The non-spiritual being acts as if he were an island, separate and distinct from others, unconnected. Plainly stated, miracles and real magic are simply unavailable to those who believe themselves to be islands in the sea of humanity. "
by Wayne Dyer
"The price of greatness is responsibility."
Sir Winston Churchill
“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and your discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.”
"Observe the wonders as they occur around you. Don't claim them. Feel the artistry moving through, and be silent. "
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